Your expert-in-residence

Your expert-in-residence

Your expert-in-residence

A personalized and empathetic expert-in-residence (EIR), is the key to efficiency-unlock for instructors, students, and administrators.

A personalized and empathetic expert-in-residence (EIR), is the key to efficiency-unlock for instructors, students, and administrators.

A personalized and empathetic expert-in-residence (EIR), is the key to efficiency-unlock for instructors, students, and administrators.

The role of an EIR


For attending faculty physicians, DZ-EIR enhances mentorship efficiency with the Agenda-Generator. This tool quickly summarizes check-ins by analyzing thousands of interactions across various dates to identify top wins, challenges, and recommendations—all within 30 seconds. By producing a concise one-sheeter for each mentor, the Agenda Generator ensures that faculty are optimally prepared for meaningful interventions, enabling them to focus on nurturing the next generation of medical professionals.


For medical students, DZ-EIR provides the Action-Plan, a crucial tool for managing the rigorous demands of medical training. Within just 10 seconds, the Action Plan helps students structure their tasks—necessary for successful residency placements—by offering research-backed suggestions to enhance productivity and learning outcomes. This immediate support in task management allows students to efficiently plan and adjust their learning strategies, facilitating a more focused and effective educational journey.


The Department of Medical Education benefits from the Emotional-Intelligence (EI) Insights view with DZ-EIR. This view dives deep into unstructured data, analyzing historical check-ins across multiple departments to extract and highlight key indicators of emotional intelligence, such as engagement, communication, and mood insights. Additionally, DZ-EIR identifies expression insights across 52 different emotions. This capability allows administrators to focus on developing curricula that foster both academic and emotional growth, without the need to manually sift through vast amounts of data.

Our approach to generative-AI


Our foundational model, powered by OpenAI GPT-4 Turbo, sets the baseline for robust and reliable AI interactions within the educational environment. Leveraging the most advanced and extensively researched AI capabilities, this model underpins our platform with safety moderation, general analysis, and extensive information retrieval. It serves as the core engine, ensuring that our AI not only accesses but also interprets vast amounts of information accurately and responsibly.


The expression model, facilitated by HumeAI, measures 53 expressions identified through the subtleties of emotional language and 48 expressions discerned from facial cues, vocal bursts, and speech prosody. By analyzing emotional expressions across text, audio, and video check-ins, our system is able to understand and react to the nuanced emotional landscape of users, fostering a more empathetic mentorship, grounded in the cognitive sciences.


Our specialized burnout detection model is fine-tuned to identify signs of burnout among medical educators and learners. Through reinforcement learning and human feedback (RLHF), this model continually refines its understanding of burnout indicators and solutions, enhancing our platform's ability to support users proactively. This model is integral to our mission of alleviating educational burnout, tailoring interventions that are precise and timely.

General Knowledge

OpenAI's advanced AI technology, focusing on aggregating and processing general knowledge to pave the way towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Human Expressions

HumeAI for precise, scientifically-backed measurements of facial expressions, capturing a spectrum of 53 distinct emotional expressions


Insights into user experience and well-being to develop tool aimed at identifying and addressing burnout, enhancing support for overall societal health.

*IN development

Mental Drag Reduction System (MDRS)


The Mental Drag Reduction System (MDRS) is inspired by high-octane environments and strategic military efficiency. Drawing parallels with Formula One DRS (Drag reduction system) dynamics and military Air Force strategies like the OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), MDRS is built to minimize cognitive drag. These domains, known for their emphasis on speed and efficiency, guide our approach to optimizing mental focus and strategic re-prioritization in high-stakes environments. By integrating with proven methodologies, MDRS is engineered to improve mental agility and reduce unnecessary cognitive load, setting a new standard for intellectual performance technology.


MDRS transforms high-pressure environments into high-efficiency arenas, channeling every bit of mental energy towards peak performance. Designed as your personal EIR, it activates a simulation-training focused mode that quiets background noise and strategically reprioritizes tasks, allowing users to concentrate fully on their primary goals. With MDRS, users experience a significant reduction in mental drag, enabling them to navigate complex challenges with unprecedented precision and agility. This system not only aids in achieving targets but does so with a streamlined efficiency that propels you towards your objectives faster and more effectively.



We are immensely grateful for the invaluable insights and support received from our strategic partners in Italy's Motor Valley, a hub renowned for high-performance automotive innovation. This collaboration has deeply inspired our approach to hardware development, blending advanced technological concepts with applications in medical and other high-stakes fields. Building on this foundation, our partnerships with leading entities like Intel Corporation and through research collaborations fostered by the American Heart Association, we are pioneering cutting-edge hardware-applications that enhance human hyperfocus and wellbeing. These efforts are focused on creating solutions that significantly reduce stress and anxiety, improving focus and overall health outcomes in demanding environments.

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© 2024 District Zero Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Are you ready to empower your institution?

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